Investing is a way of putting your money over something that profit earning which will help you be financially stable in the long run.
Even a regular working individual may acquire investment in any way. It doesn’t really matter how much you have in your wallet because simple savings, in any amount, is already an investment, just not a profitable one.
Here are some ideas on how you will start with investing:
1. Start setting aside small amounts of money for invest purposes. Saving like 5-10 percent of your pay check could yield an ample amount to invest in one whole year.
2. Make up your mind if there is a need for you to invest more rather than paying a debt that entails a high interest. Whatever you choose from the two (2), make sure that you set-up a certain fund for emergency first.
3. Investing costs should only be limited up to 2% of the deals value regardless of the amount that you are investing. You can get the transaction value by getting the product of the investment cost times 2%. In the even that the value of the deal is more than what you are expecting then better yet put your money in the bank savings account first and wait for a better deal.
4. $20 may get you in to investing. Some companies have this drip scheme where you can buy a company share directly from them. You need not to talk to brokers and pay off their commission because your transactions are made directly with the company. – Not all company do this kind of scheme but worry not because there are over 1000 companies for you to choose from. Usually direct investment in shares is made in large stakes, but its not for small investors like you.
5. In the event that you can’t choose any of those 1000 companies, then look for a broker who will allow you to have an agreement like that of the Drip scheme.
6. Scout for mutual fund investment that offers small investments. Though there are only a few of them so you really must be patient and careful in looking for one. Usually, these firms give such offer but you should sign an agreement that allows them to withhold a certain amount from your bank saving account every month. This is what they call an automatic investment plan.
If you don't trust on some product, try to check it on U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.